Serbia News 11:57 21.08.2022 WHY NOVA.RS AND NOT KURTI.COM?! Scandalous text of the opposition portal, it is clear whose interests they are protecting!
Serbia News 11:38 21.08.2022 SCANDAL! Serbian singer sang the song of HAJDUK SPLIT, she entranced the Croats! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 11:21 21.08.2022 BORILOVIĆ SHOT HIS VICTIM IN THE HEAD! The findings of the inspectora about the massacre in Cetinje will make your blood run cold! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 11:15 21.08.2022 THE MAP OF THE MOST DANGEROUS CITIES IN THE WORLD PUBLISHED: This is where Belgrade and Novi Sad stand!
Serbia News 14:23 19.08.2022 VICTORIA'S SECRET ANGEL ENJOYING HER TIME BELGRADE! Alessandra Ambrosio caught in the Serbian capital, this is how she is spending her time (PHOTO)
Serbia News 12:16 19.08.2022 THEY TOOK AN OATH THAT THERE WILL BE A BLOOD FEUD! Creepy detail at the funerals of Borilović's victims, this is how they showed that GREAT EVIL is brewing!
Serbia News 14:32 17.08.2022 DOCLEAN DICTATOR HIT ROCK BOTTOM: Djukanović uses the tragedy in Cetinje for street politics!
Serbia News 12:05 17.08.2022 "Veljo Nevoljo" roared around at Dara's performance! The singer revealed her CONNECTION to Belivuk! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 12:41 16.08.2022 THE MONSTER WAS BURIED AT A SECRET LOCATION! The citizens of Cetinje visited the Borilović family: We expressed our condolences, but it is not Christian that they rest in the same land!
Serbia News 09:53 16.08.2022 KARI PEŠIĆ'S SHOW AT THE CONFERENCE: Instead of answering journalists' questions, he rushes to LUNCH!
Serbia News 13:36 14.08.2022 THE KILLER FROM CETINJE THOUGHT THAT HIS NEIGHBOURS WERE PUTTING A HEX ON HIM?! He recently installed surveillance cameras, he was PARANOID!
Serbia News 12:19 14.08.2022 SHOCKING REVELATION ABOUT THE KILLER OF THE DEMON FROM CETINJE: He was arrested for trying to prevent the enthronement of Joanikije!
Serbia News 10:10 14.08.2022 The horror! The wife of Partizan captain attacked, she received brutal threats! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 15:38 11.08.2022 YOU DEMONISED NOVAK FOR BREAKING THE RULES: Because of his words, many will have to think twice!
Serbia News 12:38 11.08.2022 SUCH A TROUBLEMAKER! Shameless Djukanović SHOCKED with his comment: Serbs are OCCUPIERS, operation "Storm" is a symbol of FREEDOM for Croats?!
Serbia News 11:25 11.08.2022 NOVAK GAVE KYRGIOS AN ADVICE WORTH ITA WEIGHT IN GOLD: Add THIS to your regimen and you will get a Grand Slam!
Serbia News 14:23 10.08.2022 A SERB RETURNED FROM AMERICA TO HIS HOMELAND AND SENT A STRONG MESSAGE: It means a lot to me that my daughters will grow up with Serbian people! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 11:07 10.08.2022 NOVAK'S WORDS WILL RESONATE THROUGH AMERICA ON 11 SEPTEMBER! Djoković arriving in the USA with the help of the Tesla Foundation
Serbia News 13:07 09.08.2022 THE OPPRESSION OF THE SERBS DOESN'T STOP! Graffiti with swear words in Albanian horrified Serbs!
Svet 22:21 POVREĐENI I OŠAMUĆENI PUTNICI IZVUČENI IZ AVIONA U TORONTU! Nesreća paralisala svet, snimci uznemirujući! (VIDEO)
Borilački sportovi 22:07 BIJE KAO SVETI ILIJA: U životu se ništa ne događa slučajno - Dragana Jovanović je najbolji primer toga! (FOTO GALERIJA)
Politika 22:04 DOK JE NEMAČKA "ZABRINUTA" ZA VLADAVINU PRAVA U SRBIJI, OČIGLEDNO NIJE U SVOM DVORIŠTU! Evo kako policija mlati demonstrante, dok u Srbiji nijedan pripadnik MUP-a ni glas ne digne! (VIDEO)
Hronika 22:01 PRIZNALA DA JE SNAJA IVANA NEŠTO PREĆUTALA: Vapaji bake Danke Ilić kidaju dušu, ponavlja samo JEDNO PITANJE!