MILOŠ BIKOVIĆ TYING THE KNOT!? The actor boasted a wedding ring after he just revealed that he had a girlfriend, the female part of the population in DISBELIEF! (PHOTO)

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Popular actor Miloš Biković often posts photos and videos on his Instagram and attracts a lot of attention with them, and now he boasted a wedding ring, which has caused an avalanche of comments on social media.

MILOŠ BIKOVIĆ TYING THE KNOT!? The actor boasted a wedding ring after he just revealed that he had a girlfriend, the female part of the population in DISBELIEF! (PHOTO)

Foto: Pink Official,

Popular actor Miloš Biković often posts photos and recordings on his Instagram and attracts a lot of attention with them, and now he has boasted a wedding ring, which has caused shock among his many followers.

His last post stirred up the public, when he posted a video on his Instagram story where he can be seen holding a wedding ring on his right hand, on his ring finger. 

It is known that Miloš tries to preserve his intimacy and emotional life as much as possible, so this move of his led many to think that the actor has married his new partner. While for some, the news was happy, for others it is sad, because he is the favourite of a large number of women. 


Miloš Biković boasted a wedding ring

However, it seems that many were deceived and that Biković is wearing the ring only for the purpose of filming the project he is working on in Russia. As a reminder, Biković recently appeared at the Belgrade premiere of the film "South Wind 2: Speed Up" in the company of his better half Ivana Malić, an enchanting brunette, who is a lawyer by profession.

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