YOU ALL KNOW THIS DUDE! Vučić showed a picture of Djilas: Here is what he said in an interview for "Nedeljnik" from 2017!

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke at a press conference about the articles on lithium that were published in the media when the Democratic Party was in power.

YOU ALL KNOW THIS DUDE! Vučić showed a picture of Djilas: Here is what he said in an interview for "Nedeljnik" from 2017!

Foto: Printscreen/TV Pink

The President read what certain media and politicians wrote and said then and now, primarily about Rio Tinto and Jadarite. 

An article from 2012 states that Serbia will be the center of lithium production. It was also announced that Rio Tinto will complete all research by 2014.

- This was announced as the business of the decade and salvation for Serbia! Now all of a sudden everything has changed! Ms. Milenković from the Ministry of Mining and Energy stated that modern technology longs for lithium and that this is a golden chance for Serbia. It is stated that the drillers are simply singing because they found jadarite in the village near Loznica. An article about singing drills was published on the website of the city of Loznica - the President says. 

According to Vučić, Oliver Dulić announced the discovery of nickel and oil shale in 2012.

In an article from 2017, Dragan Djilas stated that lithium will make a brand out of our country.

- Let's talk about Belgrade and the economy. It has been confirmed that the second largest lithium deposit in Europe was discovered near Loznica. Let's talk about the concession for those mines, but let's open battery factories. It will be a great chance for Serbia, these are the topics we need today, and not for people who do not support the government to listen to what Vučić, Vesić and Mali are saying - Vučić read the words of Dragan Djilas.

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