This was not doping, he just inhaled the uranium from NATO bombs: The legend of Serbian sports SHUT THE HYPOCRITICAL Britons UP after Djoković's victory at Wimbledon!

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The celebrated volleyball player hit the target.

This was not doping, he just inhaled the uranium from NATO bombs: The legend of Serbian sports SHUT THE HYPOCRITICAL Britons UP after Djoković's victory at Wimbledon!

Foto: Tanjkug/AP

The doping of Novak Djoković made waves in the West and of course the British are in the lead. A journalist there expressed his suspicion that Nole was using illegal substances, and the public dealt with the contents of Djoković's bottle in detail and the mysterious liquid he consumed during Wimbledon.

Our legendary volleyball player Vanja Grbić decided to shut them up by posting on social media, saying that Serbs derive their strength from the uranium that NATO sprinkled on our country during the aggression carried out in the spring of 1999.

The British journalist posted that he suspected that Novak was taking illegal drugs, so he was. interested in what was in the bottle from which Novak inhaled something. He received hundreds of comments. This was one of them: "It is Serbian air that contains depleted uranium due to NATO bombing and that gives him atomic power" - the humorous message posted by Vanja said.

As a reminder, Djoković won the seventh trophy at Wimbledon.

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