Nikola Jokić's hit video: After having one too many, he put on a real show! (VIDEO)
What happens when you've had one too many...

Foto: JOKER(S)/printscreen
While taking a break between two NBA seasons, the best Serbian basketball player and two-time consecutive MVP player of the strongest basketball league in the world, Nikola Jokić, is spending time in Serbia doing what he loves most.
He devoted a large part of his vacation to horses and equestrian races, and today he also went rafting. Rafting obviously pleased him, so in the evening he relaxed and had one too many.
Nikola Jokić tried to show his skills in handling a serving trqy, but in this condition he was not able to do it. The tray kepr falling, and everything was watched by a waitress, who in the end decided to take her work tool from the famous basketball player.
You can see how it all went down in the following video:
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