WHILE PUTIN IS IN THE KREMLIN, THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN EUROPE! Tough words of the former NATO commander: We are preparing for war with Russia in every way!

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Former deputy head of NATO in Europe, Sir Richard Shirreff, assessed that there is no peace for Europe while Vladimir Putin is in power in the Kremlin.

WHILE PUTIN IS IN THE KREMLIN, THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN EUROPE! Tough words of the former NATO commander: We are preparing for war with Russia in every way!

Foto: Ilustracija: Pixabay, Tanjug/AP

NATO's former deputy chief of staff in Europe described the Russian president as a "bloody autocrat", and he does not consider Russia's announcements that he will reduce his attacks on Kyiv and Chernihiv convincing.

- It is almost certain to acknowledge that the attempt to advance on multiple axes has failed and will most likely mean a concentration of forces in another area - he says, describing it as an acknowledgment that there is no point in intensifying the failure.

- I would not rule out a form of misleading - he says.

- There will be no peace in Europe as long as Putin is in the Kremlin - Sir Richard said.

He says NATO must ensure that this conflict “remains a cold war and not a hot war” between the alliance and Russia and says that means that NATO is preparing for war in every way.

- We have not yet seen this increase in NATO capacity, which I believe will be essential if NATO is to deter any further aggression - he added.

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