"I KNOW PUTIN AND I KNOW WHAT'S IN HIS HEAD"! Vučić spoke about the war in Ukraine and the Russian President: First the WEST surprised Putin, and then he surprised them!

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President Vučić also spoke with Minja Miletić about Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine.

"I KNOW PUTIN AND I KNOW WHAT'S IN HIS HEAD"! Vučić spoke about the war in Ukraine and the Russian President: First the WEST surprised Putin, and then he surprised them!

Foto: printscreen/sputnik

Aleksandar Vučić i Vladimir Putin

When asked what would happen if Russia was to be expelled from the Security Council, Aleksandar Vučić said:

- I was among the first ones to express my thoughts on how long this would last. I think I know Vladimir Putin well enough to know what's in his head. I think the West surprised him in the first three, four days. He thought, "I have to fight now." Then he surprised the "West".

Speaking about the fact that Serbia has not imposed sanctions on Russia, the President said:

- I not wish to remind everyone who was on our side in 2015 when they wanted to declare us a genocidal nation. At what price will we get gas? How can we say that we will deal with those who have never done us any harm. And how come those who impose sanctions, introduce them in sectors which suit them, and not in others.

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