This is what "INDEPENDENT" British tabloids look like! Everyone posted the same photo as if on command, HERE IS THE TRUTH!

Autor: Republika

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As if on command, British tabloids published a photo of the same woman on their front pages, which is speculated to have been taken several years ago!

This is what "INDEPENDENT" British tabloids look like! Everyone posted the same photo as if on command, HERE IS THE TRUTH!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

The tabloids in the UK all look the same. Everyone is hitting out at Russia and they all used a photo of the same woman for their front pages. 

The Times, the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, the Mirror and the Guardian posted a photo of a blood-faced woman with a bandage around head.

However, as it is speculated on social media, apart from this, there is another thing that is controversial.

Namely, the fact that the photo of this woman may have been taken much earlier and that it could have nothing to do with the current military intervention of Russia in Ukraine, or rather that it was captured several years ago in the explosion of a gas bottle.



Is this independent and objective journalism that we are reminded of from the West?

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