HE ACCUSED NOVAK OF FILMING FOR MONEY! A low blow by an American: He takes bribes and cheats people?!

Autor: Republika

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Ben Rothenberg continues as per usual...

HE ACCUSED NOVAK OF FILMING FOR MONEY! A low blow by an American: He takes bribes and cheats people?!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

The saga surrounding the (non)participation of Novak Djoković at the upcoming US Open is still ongoing.

Despite the fact that there are many personalities from the world of tennis and sports in general, but also from political circles, who support the participation of the best Serbian tennis player on the American tour, the solution to the mentioned problem is still not in sight.

All of the above once again encouraged the American journalist Ben Rothenberg to shamelessly attack one of the best, if not the best, tennis player in the history of this game.


Foto: youtube.com/printscreen

Ben Rothenberg - an avowed hater of Novak Djoković

Ben Rotenberg recalled details from 2020 when the best Serbian tennis player hosted Chervin Jafarieh on his social medai platforms and on that occasion they discussed changing the molecular structure of water, as well as the snake oil that Jafarieh produces.

On the occasion of that conversation, Rotenberg wrote on Twitter:

- I'm talking about Chervin Jafarieh, the snake oil salesman who used Novak Djokovic's platform to peddle a wide range of high-priced bullshit products, plus other absolutely delusional nonsense during the 2020 peak of the pandemic.

By writing this, Ben Rothenberg directly attacked the Serbian tennis player for taking money in an immoral way during the global COVID-19 pandemic for the videos he recorded.

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