HE WAS ARRESTED FOR DRIVING A CAR INTO A CAFE?! The fan took off his pants and showed his behind to the police! (PHOTO)

Autor: Republika

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Svetomir Aničić, who became known to the public for taking off his pants and underpants at the eternal derby in 2013, allegedly drove into a cafe in Novi Sad and showed his behind to the police.

HE WAS ARRESTED FOR DRIVING A CAR INTO A CAFE?! The fan took off his pants and showed his behind to the police! (PHOTO)

Foto: Dragan Stanković

Svetomir Aničić

It is suspected that during the night between Monday and Tuesday around 1:30 a.m. Aničić drove his car into a cafe, when a tragedy was avoided by sheer luck, and two girls were injured.

Portal Republika has acquired an exclusive photo, which shows how Aničić, a Partizan fan, took off his pants and underpants at the 145th eternal derby in November 2013 and showed members of the gendarmerie his bare behind.


Foto: ST/D. Stanković

Svetomir Aničić showed his behind to members of the gendarmerie

According to the media, a birthday celebration was organised in that cafe, and the guests entered the bar just before the maniac drove into the cafe because it was getting cold outside.

The driver was in the car with a girl.

They went out and he just asked "Did I kill anyone?" and turned away and left. He went to one side, the girl went the other - Kurir reported the words of witnesses.

He was arrested due to a quick and effective police action.

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