A CLASH between NOVAK and Vajda - these are the details of the CONFLICT!

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They parted ways!

A CLASH between NOVAK and Vajda - these are the details of the CONFLICT!

Foto: Starsport

The best tennis player in the world, Novak Djoković, termimated his cooperation with his long-time coach Marián Vajda last November. 

Austrian Daniel Muksch, Djoković's biographer and the author of the book "Novak Djokovic - A lifetime in war", spoke for "Sport 1" about the details of that parting. 

Last year, Daniel Müksch stated that there is a possibility that Djoković will get vaccinated.


Foto: Tanjug/AP

Members of Novak Djoković's team

- There was great excitement when I said on "Servus TV" that Djoković is considering vaccination. Then, a debate about that was started on Twitter by Djoković's fans. They wrote that Novak would never do that. Two weeks later, an interview with the BBC followed, in which Djoković stated that he would not be vaccinated and that he was ready to give up the tournament. After that, everyone wrote again "look, that was total s**t" - but it wasn't.

He then spoke about the termination of cooperation between the Serbian tennis player and Marián Vajda.

- I know that was one of the reasons why Marián Vajda insisted on terminating the cooperation. There was a heated debate and Vajda had a different outlook on the issue of vaccination. He strongly advised him to get vaccinated - Muksch said.

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