SANCTIONS ON OIL IMPORTS LIFTED! Great victory of Serbia and Vučić in Brussels!


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Serbia and the Western Balkans have been removed from the list of sanctions on oil imports.

SANCTIONS ON OIL IMPORTS LIFTED! Great victory of Serbia and Vučić in Brussels!

Foto: RTS/printscreen

Everything was done at the request of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, whose team was in constant coordination with EU representatives. 

- This means that we will continue to import oil through the Adriatic corridor, which in turn means that via JANAF we were able to secure oil supplies even after 15 May - a Blic source reveals.

Serbia was most helped by Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel and France as the presiding country of the European Union.

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, also spoke about this important topic on Thursday night during his guest appearance on Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

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