PUTIN SUFFERS FROM CANCER?! British media claim to have Pentagon data: His expression indicates that he is in the TERMINAL phase of the disease!

Autor: Republika

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Vladimir Putin fell ill with the terminal bowel cancer, the Daily Star writes, referring to the intelligence reports of the Pentagon and Kyiv.

PUTIN SUFFERS FROM CANCER?! British media claim to have Pentagon data: His expression indicates that he is in the TERMINAL phase of the disease!

Foto: Tanjug/AP/printscreen

According to the British tabloid, it is believed that Putin's "puffy face” is a sign he is taking chemotherapy drugs or steroids.

- His unsmiling expression shows he is in constant pain - American sources say.

According to the Daily Star, Putin's decision to attack Ukraine could be linked to his health condition.

- Putin attacked Ukraine because he may know that he is dying, so he wants to leave a legacy - the article states.

A former military intelligence officer who now works at the Pentagon said that analysts are studying Putin (69) and believe that he is seriously ill.

- In the past we have seen him smile, but in 2022 there are few pictures of him looking happy. Our people are confident he is ill - it is stated.


Foto: printscreen


According to the words of this interlocutor of the British tabloid, the Russian president is also worried about COVID-19, which is why he keeps his staff at a distance.

- His  look suggests he is in pain and our people suggest his angry look is most likely as a result of him being in agony - the Daily Star states.

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