BIDEN'S LATEST GAFFE: He doesn't know his left from his right - he thinks Putin is at war with Iran (VIDEO)

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US President Joe Biden made a blunder during a traditional speech in Congress on the state of the nation, as he confused Ukrainians with Iranians while talking about the ongoing turmoil in Europe and Russia's attack on neighbouring Ukraine.

BIDEN'S LATEST GAFFE: He doesn't know his left from his right - he thinks Putin is at war with Iran (VIDEO)

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Džo Bajden se ponovo zbunio na konferenciji za novinare

- Putin can surround Kyiv with tanks, but he will never win the hearts and souls of the Iranian people - Biden said in a prepared speech, as reported by "Fox News".

Such a statement of his immediately met with sharp reactions from the political opposition, journalists and political commentators, who began to ridicule his mistake on social media.

A video soon appeared on social media, showing US Vice President Kamala Harris quietly saying "Ukrainian" at the moment of Biden's gaffe, standing behind him.

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