TROUBLE AFTER TROUBLE! An expert reveals: The naked fan would like to succeed Belivuk!

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Svetomir Aničić (34), a Partizan fan who was arrested for the traffic accident he caused in Novi Sad when he drove into the garden of a cafe, in which two girls were injured, is "candidating" to be the new Velja Nevolja (Trouble), according to experts.

TROUBLE AFTER TROUBLE! An expert reveals: The naked fan would like to succeed Belivuk!

Foto: Dragan Stanković/ Tanjug/R. Prelić

Blažo Marković, the president of the police and police officers' union, believes that Belivuk's position has been vacant for a long time and that now the clans are fighting over it, so last night's accident is related to that.

- Even last year, we determined that the time would slowly come to replace Belivuk and his team. It seems that they are already trying to impose their authority on the streets of Belgrade. This fan who drove into the cafe, of course this wasn't alcohol. So when he gets out and when the trial ends because it was a mechanical failure, he will say that he has connections in the police, in order to put himself in Belivuk's place - Marković said.

The expert added that Aničić wanted to send a message to everyone, that he can do anything.

- He wanted to tell his people, I am the brave one. If I'm ready to drive a car into a place full of innocent people, I'm ready to kill you too. This is a show of his power now that no one has any links to the police - Marković added.


Foto: ST/D. Stanković

Svetomir Aničić showed his behind to members of the gendarmerie

Aničić "became infamous" at the 145th eternal derby held on 2 November 2013, when he took off his underwear and showed his bare behind to members of the Gendarmerie.

Three misdemeanor proceedings were initiated against Aničić, due to improper behavior, idleness and violent behavior.

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