FEELING THE ULTIMATE INJUSTICE! Russia or Ukraine? Savo Milošević chose his side!

Autor: Republika

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The former Steamroller strategist spoke up.

FEELING THE ULTIMATE INJUSTICE! Russia or Ukraine? Savo Milošević chose his side!

Foto: Starsport

Savo Milošević ponovo na klupi Partizana?

The former Partizan coach Savo Milošević told "Sport 24" that the sanctions against the Russians in the world of football are "unfair", as well as that he shares the feelings of the entire Serbian nation about them.

- The isolation of Russian sports and football is a disaster! It's not fair! I, like all Serbs, feel a huge injustice towards Russian athletes. I do not understand and do not accept such decisions. Why would you punish people who have nothing to do with politics and military operations? They train, sacrifice and work tirelessly all their lives to achieve the result. And then someone punishes them without any explanation - said the 48-year-old expert, and then added:

That's sad. I feel sorry for Russian sports. Especially Russian football players. I sympathise with every Russian athlete. It's not their fault! Russia currently has problems with the whole of Europe. Serbs understand that. The same thing happened to us in the 1990s.

As a reminder, the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on 24 February.

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