RACISTS MINISTER EXPELLED NOVAK! THE DARK SECRET of the man who prevented Djoković from writing history has been revealed! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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The best tennis player in the world, Novak Djoković, is not playing at this year's Australian Open, and the main culprit for that is the Minister of Immigration, Alex Hawke.

RACISTS MINISTER EXPELLED NOVAK! THE DARK SECRET of the man who prevented Djoković from writing history has been revealed! (VIDEO)

Foto: Profimedia/Printscreen

Aleks Houk i Novak Đoković

Hawke is the man who revoked Novak Djoković's visa under the explanation that he is a danger to health, even though Novak contracted Coronavirus at the end of December last year and, due to that, received a medical exemption.

However, Minister Hawke practically used force and voluntarily made the decision to cancel the visa of our ace, which was only formally confirmed by the Federal Court, so Novak was expelled from Australia .

And while more and more people are taking the side of the Serbian tennis player, a video has appeared that reveals the dark secret of Minister Hawke. 

Argentine "La Nación" published a great text entitled "Who is the minister who expelled Novak Djoković?" in which many dark sides of the Australian minister are revealed, who in his youth even admitted to being a racist!


Foto: Printscreen

In his youth, Minister Hawke boasted that he was a racist, a homophobe...

In 2002, he became the president of the Young Liberals, where he successfully expelled the left wing of the party that had been dominant for 22 years. "ABC" television then broadcast footage of the Young Liberals singing scandalous words.

- We're racists! We're s**ists! We're homophobic! - this is what can be heard on the recording.

The truth is slowly coming to light and now it is becoming much clearer why the distinguished minister decided to deport Novak Djoković. It wasn't just a matter of politics...

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