CROATIAN ARMY FALLING TO PIECES: Soldiers are taking drugs, more and more members of special forces using cocaine!

Autor: Republika

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Due to the cases of five soldiers positive for cocaine in the past few months, the question arises as to what is happening in the Croatian Army.


Foto: Profimedia

Croatian soldiers caught doing drugs, illustration

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia says that they are doing everything to keep such cases to a minimum because they have zero tolerance for drugs.

Due to the use of cocaine, the military career of two members of the Armed Forces ended.

- They were dismissed, and for the other three members, the process is still ongoing - says Dejan Džidić, commander of the military police.

Among them is a military special agent who was recently caught in a secret action in the middle of the night. But there is no place for special concern, they point out from the Ministry of Defence. Everything that happens in the so-called in the ordinary world, it also happens in the military. Surveillance is carried out constantly, and they also receive reports of drug use.

- Then we approach the target people, when we know the person by name and surname, so that we can connect them to the act. And preventive supervisions are analytical, like, for example, when we get new soldiers in the Training Center in Pozega - officer Davor Pavlović says for


Foto: wikipedia/Suradnik13

Croatia is in torment: Soldiers take drugs, illustration

An increasing number of cases

Due to the large number of newly discovered cases, testing has been intensified. They are carried out in the Ministry of Defence in the presence of civilian witnesses. If the person wants it, the testing is repeated in the health institution. Everything is strictly monitored so that there are no mistakes.

- So, in that case, we take them to a doctor, if they do not accept our results, the doctor will draw blood, take a urine sample and everything will be checked - Pavlović adds.

If they test positive, they report to the Military Disciplinary Court, which decides on the sentence. Those who refuse testing also receive a disciplinary report. The number of positives among the tested soldiers is not increasing, according to the Ministry of Defence.

- We believe that it is constantly at the same level, there are no increases or decreases, we simply carry out inspections and based on the submitted results we react - Džidić adds.

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia claims that these cases were isolated and that there was no intent to sell drugs. However, it seems, that the sanctioned soldiers had cocaine for personal use. Whether the reason for drug use is overwork, inability to cope with responsibility at work or something else, remains to be investigated.

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