A DAY FOR THE PRIDE OF SERBIA! President Vučić welcomes the representatives of Non-Aligned countries (VIDEO)

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke about the upcoming event which marks the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries.


Foto: instagram.com/buducnostsrbijeav

Aleksandar Vučič, President of Serbia

- A rainy day in Belgrade, but still a day for the pride of Serbia. 60 years ago, non-aligned people gathered in Belgrade, today is the time to renew the ideas of political independence and joint action of the free countries of the world. I am happy to be at the head of Serbia, which could and had the strength to organize such a magnificent gathering. I want to welcome the representatives of 105 countries and 9 international organizations to Serbia - said the President.

Belgrade marks the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement on Monday and Tuesday. The gathering will be held at the Belgrade Fair, and will gather more than 100 foreign delegations, including about 40 foreign ministers.



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