THEY WILL OVERCOMPLICATE EVEN THE SIMPLEST OF THINGS! The most irritating peope belong to this Zodiac sign!

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Even though all Zodiac signs have their flaws, this specific sign has a particularly bad reputation because of its quirks.




Did you know that Virgos bear the inglorious title of Zodiac's most hated and most irritating sign? Most think that Virgos are capable of overcomplicating even the simplest of things, they are quite rigid, critical and are known as the biggest perfectionists. 

They also bear grudges, so they will never miss out a chance to give you a subtle reminder of the injustice you have done to them. 

However, Virgos also have to battle different kinds of prejudice and the below three are the most common ones:

They are prone to criticising and judgemental

Virgos have a very analytical mind and they tend to overanalyse every action, be it theirs or somebody else's.  This means they could sometimes tell you things you would not like to hear.  A conversation with a Virgo comes at the price of truth, because they do not shy away from expressing their opinion.  They WILL tell you what you are doing wrong, without any hesitation.

Learning that you are the one doing something wrong will probably be a bitter pill to swallow when all you expect is a piece of advice.  Therefore, Virgos might come across as judgemental, however, they are actually being honest.  Remember that Virgos are their own worst critics.  They often do not have the time to judge others as they are too busy constantly questioning their own actions and mistakes. 

They are constantly lecturing people

Virgos will not wait for you to ask them for their advice or opinion, they will give you a piece of their mind straight away.  This segment of their personality is often seen as lecturing, but is in fact a result of the above-mentioned overanalysing.  Virgos notice mistakes straight away and they will point them out to you only to help you correct them quickly and easily. 

They are the tidiest people in the world

You have most certainly heard stories of Virgos being neat freaks, overly clean and pedantic organisers.  Contrary to popular belief, Virgos are not at all the tidiest sign of the Zodiac.  In all honesty, many Virgos enjoy the creative mess. 

Do not interfere with a Virgo's organisational concept, especially if they are of the untidy variety.  What may seem messy to you is their definition of an ideally organised living space.  They can function perfectly in it as long as you do not intervene.

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