THIS IS THE REASON WHY THERE ARE NO WINDOWS IN SUPERMARKETS: Nobody notices, and traders deliberately make such facilities

IZVOR: Republika - 19.05.2022 | 21:15

If you’ve ever wondered why supermarkets don’t have windows, or are plastered with advertisements even if they exist, these are the reasons!

THIS IS THE REASON WHY THERE ARE NO WINDOWS IN SUPERMARKETS: Nobody notices, and traders deliberately make such facilities

Going to the store is necessary every day to get the groceries and other necessities that we need.

While looking for food, toilet paper, household cleaning products or the like, you are probably aware that there are little tricks that sellers use to keep you longer and "make" you buy something else.

Why don't supermarkets have windows?

The first reason is simple and has little to do with tricks - food, sweets and other things should not be exposed to direct sunlight. They would melt and go bad faster, so the store would be at a big loss during the warmer months.

But the other is, of course, designed for customers. There are no windows so you can't look outside.

Why is that? Well, maybe something will distract you, you will think you should hurry, see that it's starting to rain and hurry up to get home ... And the idea of   the store is to stay as long as possible, buy as much as possible and spend the maximum amount of money.

Even when stores, due to the design of the building in which they are located, have large windows, they are often covered with advertising material.

You still can't see what's going on outside, which "hides" one important fact from you - whether it's starting to get dark outside.

According to some research, that would force you to speed up and line up at the checkout, instead of staying and wandering among the shelves, buying things you don't need.