PESKOV REVEALED, KREMLIN REJECTED KYIV'S OFFER: Putin's shock decision, was this expected?!

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A spokesman for Russian President Dmitry Peskov, when commenting on the proposal of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk be exchanged for Ukrainian prisoners, said that he is a Ukrainian citizen and a foreign politician.

PESKOV REVEALED, KREMLIN REJECTED KYIV'S OFFER: Putin's shock decision, was this expected?!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Vladimir Putin i Dmitrij Peskov

Peskov pointed out that the pro-Russian politician who was arrested in Ukraine on Tuesday did not have any communication channels with the Russian leadership, Reuters reports.

He added that the Kremlin would keep an eye on the fate of Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk and would call on European politicians to do so.

Those who care so much about freedom of speech talk about the impossibility of persecuting people for political reasons. This is the same situation and it is decent to expect that they will prevent the representatives of the Kyiv regime from persecuting someone because of their political views - said Peskov to journalists, RIA Novosti reports.

The Head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ivan Bakanov, confirmed last night that the MP and head of the political council of the “Opposition Platform — For Life” party, Viktor Medvedchuk, was arrested.

Medvedchuk had been under house arrest since May 2021, but he escaped on 28 February, four days after Russia's attack on Ukraine, as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced. He has been missing ever since.

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