PUTIN RAISES WEAPONS WHICH ARE UNBEATABLE ACCORDING TO HIM! The words of the Russian President resonate at a time when the world is preparing for a new WAR: RUSSIA HAS NO EQUALS!

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On the occasion of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed that even the most powerful weapon of his country was put ready.

PUTIN RAISES WEAPONS WHICH ARE UNBEATABLE ACCORDING TO HIM! The words of the Russian President resonate at a time when the world is preparing for a new WAR: RUSSIA HAS NO EQUALS!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Vladimir Putin se oglasio posle priznanja Donbasa

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a stronger than ever message to the United States, NATO and the EU at a time of extremely strained relations between Moscow and that Western alliance, emphasising that his country possesses unbeatable weapons. 

The strong message of the Kremlin chief came on the day when the Russian Federation marks the Defender of the Fatherland Day. The President first congratulated his compatriots on the holiday, and immediately afterwards reminded them of the difficult international situation.

- We see how complex the international situation is, what dangers are posed by existing challenges such as the destabilisation of the arms control system or the military activity of the NATO bloc. Russia will continue to protect the interests of the state and the security of its citizens. I repeat: the interests of Russia, the security of our citizens are in the first place for us. Therefore, we will continue to develop and improve the army and navy - the Russian leader said decisively and revealed that units that are literally unbeatable are also participating in the current military exercises which are conducted as a sudden check of the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces.  

- Weapons that have no equal in the world have been put on combat duty. We will continue to develop promising weapons systems, including hypersonic and weapons based on new physical principles, to expand the use of advanced digital technologies and elements of artificial intelligence. Such systems are really the weapon of the future that significantly increases the combat potential of our Armed Forces - said the Russian leader and reminded that Russian units showed their readiness and determination during the operations in Syria.

Putin also emphasised that he believes in Russian soldiers and officers, in their high professionalism, courage and reliability, in protecting the peace and serenity of Russian citizens, and in defending Russia's national interests. He wished them good health and success in their service, and also sent best wishes to their families and loved ones.

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