PUTIN'S NEW WEAPONS CAN WIPE OUT AMERICAN CITIES! The world is shaking, powerful military forces have admitted: This is unstoppable!

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Many media estimated that the United States is definitely losing in the race to create the most powerful weapon after the Russian Federation presented its deadly "Zircon" system.

PUTIN'S NEW WEAPONS CAN WIPE OUT AMERICAN CITIES! The world is shaking, powerful military forces have admitted: This is unstoppable!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Vladimir Putin i Sergej Šojgu prikazali najmoćnije projektile

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his country possess such powerful weapons, which are able to destroy entire American cities in an instant, that the United States of America is definitely put in a hopeless situation. 

That impression was conveyed by the newspaper "Kayhan" from Iran, also a country that boasts powerful military equipment and which is also relevant when it comes to evaluating the armed forces of others. They were talking about the Russian projectile "Zircon".

Nothing will be able to stop "Zircon" - it can easily wipe out American cities from the face of the earth - "Kayhan" estimates.

At the same time, the article points out that the American failures in the arms race that has just started encourage the United States to tighten diplomatic relations, among other things. 

- The West and NATO are still trying to respond with something, although for now such answers are reminiscent of attempts at war between a dog and an elephant or a mouse and a cat. They are trying to impose sanctions, block Russian ships, tankers and planes, they are resorting to proven means from the last election campaign in the United States: expelling Russian diplomats - the text concludes, Sputnik reports. 

As a reminder, Russia is currently the only country in the world with hypersonic missiles on duty or with a high degree of combat readiness. The Russian Armed Forces have Dagger aircraft systems with a hypersonic missile, the Zircon hypersonic missile is under state tests, and strategic missiles with the Avangard hypersonic block are also in service.

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