A PRIEST WHO WON OVER SERBIA: When he takes off his mantle, he puts on a white uniform, and this sacred place is visited because of him! (PHOTO)

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A temple devoted to Despot Stefan Lazarević was built on the foundation of a medieval church in the village Babe on Kosmaj Mountain. This sacred place is where people have been searching salvation from illnesses and problems, as well as inner peace, and the temple has been visited by many especially because of an ‘unusual’ priest.


Foto: printskrin/hram

Željko Jovanović is both a priest and a medical worker

On the foundation of a medieval church in the village Babe on Kosmaj Mountain, a temple devoted to Despot Stefan Lazarević was built. It has been the holy place of Kosmaj, built and consecrated at the exact place where a church was destroyed by the force of the Ottoman Empire between XIV and XV century.

On the day of the temple’s saint day, August 1st, when the church celebrates Saint Stefan the Despot, the believers and the priests welcomed Serbian Patriarch Porfirije who served liturgy along with the Bishop of Šumadija, Jovan, and the retired Bishop of Canada, Georgije.

- After many centuries we started serving regular liturgies - the priest Željko Jovanović, the spiritual leader of this holy place said.

- The liturgy will be held on Sundays, and the first one will take place on September 5th. Although the church is yet to become alive, many faithful believers have been coming. Within this holy place they have been looking for salvation from illnesses, solution for their health problems, but also peace in beautiful surroundings.


Foto: printscreen/TVPRVA

Many devoted believers come to the temple because of Željko Jovanović

The church was being built for over a decade, and soon its fresco painting will begin.

- During this financially difficult time there have been many people who have been thinking that this has been ‘an attempt  to do the impossible’ rather than a serious attempt to rebuild such a precious temple, but the Kosmaj lovers were determined to succeed - says the spiritual leader of this holy place.


Foto: Wikipedia/Vanilica


The church carries the name of Despot Stefan Lazarević

The church in the village of Babe is the only one that carries the name of Despot Stefan Lazarević, the ruler who set the capital of Serbia for the first time where it still stands today. According to a legend, Despot Stefan listened to one of few survivors veterans from the Battle of Kosovo, who advised him to set the new capital ‘where the winds, the rivers and the empires collide’. Despot Stefan passed away right in Kosmaj, which explains the construction of the orthodox holy place.

Many devoted believers come to the temple precisely because father Željko. He won their hearts when ‘he put on a hospital suit over the priest mantle’ and entered the Batajnica Covid Hospital. Jovanović has not only been a priest. He is also a medical worker, a medical engineer at The Cardio Vascular Surgery Clinic in KCS.

- It has been my pleasure to help both as a priest and as a medical worker to Covid 19patients in the most difficult moments - father Željko says.

- Apart from the medical care I could provide to them, I tried to talk to them about a lot of issues that had been troubling them: family, health, life troubles. I volunteered to work double shifts so I could spend a s much as time possible with the patients. They asked me:  ‘Aren’t you afraid, father? Aren’t you afraid of the disease? ‘ I replied that fear for the Christians was only justified if it was the fear for our souls. I used full protection and I was sure I would not get infected.

His colleagues also appreciated his help and support a lot in those days, Novosti reports.

- I was a great comfort to both doctors and nurses. It was not an easy time for them. They were filled with suspicions and fears. They asked for my help, to read prayers to them - this Šumadija Eparchy priest says.


Foto: youtube.com-printscreen

He is providing support to medical staff in medical suit, illustration

His patients who were treated with care have never forgotten him.

- When people have problems they need not go to fortune tellers, clairvoyants and so called healers, but they should seek for solution and healing only by official medicine and church. If they come to a spiritual conversation with a priest, he will be guided by the Holy Spirit and he will quite surely know where to point them. We must not be fanaticised; we must wear masks, protect ourselves and keep distance. We should be like our Lord was - father Želko concludes.

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