G7 LEADERS MOCKED PUTIN! Will this cost them dearly: Ursula mentioned riding, Johnson and Trudeau wanted to strip to the waist!? (VIDEO)

IZVOR: Republika - 29.06.2022 | 07:37

G7 leaders met in Germany, where they made a decision on a new strike on Russia, this time on a ban on the import of Russian gold. However, what caught the public eye is the mockery of Russian President Vladimir Putin!

Foto: Tanjug/AP
G7 LEADERS MOCKED PUTIN! Will this cost them dearly: Ursula mentioned riding, Johnson and Trudeau wanted to strip to the waist!? (VIDEO)

The leaders of the most powerful countries met in Germany in order to, among other things, agree on a new strike on Russia. A decision was made to ban the import of Russian gold, but what caused more attention was the behavior of the G7 leaders.

Namely, when they found themselves at the same table, they united in a mockery of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson took the lead, asking whether they should take their jackets off, that is, whether they should remove their clothes. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, reacted to that, trying to be funny.

- Let's wait for the picture - Trudeau said, after which the leaders of France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, America and the European Union posed with a smile.

Johnson then added:

- We have to show that we're tougher than Putin.

To this Trudeau replied :

- We're going to get the bare chested horseback riding display.

He was alluding to a photo of Vladimir Putin from 2009, when he rode a horse shirtless during his vacation in Siberia.

- We will also show our chests - Johnson said, and then the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen intervened:

- Horseback riding is the best - Von der Leyen said.