WHAT'S HAPPENING ON THE MOON? Chinese DISCOVER a mysterious object! (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 09.12.2021 | 13:04

The Chinese rover "Yutu 2" noticed a mysterious object on the horizon while cruising on the dark side of the Moon, where it has been doing research for almost two years.

Foto: Tanjug/J. PAP
WHAT'S HAPPENING ON THE MOON? Chinese DISCOVER a mysterious object! (PHOTO)

The Chinese space agency CNSA published photos of a "mysterious object" in the shape of a cube, which was taken by the rover "Yutu 2" on the Moon .

The recordings also appeared on the social network Twitter.

We have an update from Yutu 2 on the lunar opposite side, including a cubic image on the northern horizon 80 meters away from the rover in Von Kármán crater. Named "Shén mì xiǎo wū" ("mysterious house"), the next 2-3 lunar days will be spent approaching to check it out - it was written in a post on Twitter.

Speculations have been raised on social media that the object is of unnatural origin, but as it is suspected for now, it is a rock or a remaining piece of an asteroid that hit the surface of the moon.

When the rover approaches, it will be clearer what it is about.