(VIDEO) SVET U ŠOKU! Greta Tunberg zaražena koronavirusom?!

IZVOR: mondo.rs, Republika - 25.03.2020 | 07:14

Mlada aktivistkinja Greta Tunberg objavila je video u kojem tvrdi da ima koronavirus.

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Greta Tunberg

Ona se nije testirala, "ali jeste osetila sve simptome" nakon putovanja vozom kroz Evropu.

Sedamnaestogodišnja Šveđanka kaže da njen otac ima "jače simptome od nje", zbog čega su se izolovali od majke i brata.

- Izolovala sam se pre dve nedelje, a onda sam dobila virus - počinje Greta.

- Vratila sam se iz centralne Evrope i izolovala se jer sam sam pomislila da sam mogla da se zarazim koronavirusom jer sam putovala vozovima... Nisam želela nikoga da dovodim u rizik. U isto vreme je i moj otac počeo da se oseća loše, ali su kod njega simptomi bili izraženiji.


@gretathunberg may have had covid-19 along with her father, Swedish actor Svante Thunberg, and they have both self-isolated. In an interview with @newscientist, the climate change campaigner said they had both experienced some symptoms of covid-19 after a recent train tour of Europe together. The pair were travelling before restrictions were imposed in several countries. . “I came home from central Europe and then I isolated myself from the beginning, because I thought I might as well as I’ve been on trains and so I don’t want to put anyone else at risk. But I started feeling some symptoms after a few days. At the same time my father was feeling much more intense symptoms.” . . "The important thing is I didn’t basically feel that I was ill. It could be that I was feeling unusually tired, I was coughing a bit,” she says. “That also is very dangerous because you don’t know you have it. If I wouldn’t have been for my father getting it at the same time and much more intense than me, I might not even have noticed it, that I was sick.” . She added it was a reminder of why it was important for people to follow the social distancing measures imposed by governments. “That is something I want to communicate, that many people don’t feel symptoms at all, or very mild symptoms, but it can still be contagious. So you have to really practice social distancing whether you feel ill or not,” she said. . #covid19 #gretathunberg #coronavirus

A post shared by New Scientist (@newscientist) on Mar 24, 2020 at 9:49am PDT

Greta je rekla da je osetila bol u grlu, kašljanje, groznicu, da je dobila temperaturu i da je ovim videom želela da podigne svest o tome kako je lako preneti infekciju, a ni ne znati da si zaražen.