Potresna ispovest Fonjinija: Plakao sam kao beba, jer sam morao da ostavim ženu i decu, a onda sam osvojio titulu karijere!





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Italijanski teniser Fabio Fonjini otkriva da je pre svoje najveće titule u karijeri, u Monte Karlu, prošao kroz jako težak period.

RepublikaFoto: Tanjug/AP
Fabio Fonjini
- Za mene je najgori deo godine između decembra i januara, kada sam blizu toga da ponovo letim avionom. Imam duge pripreme, viđam se sa prijateljima, idema na dobre večere, a onda se vraćam na put. Uvek mi se razbolim nekoliki dana pre nego što treba da idem – nekada groznica, nekad kašalj, i samo kažem sebi da će sve biti u redu, tako je već desetak godina. Dešava se jer je to kao deo nekog drugog života, prilika da budem kod kuće sa porodicom i prijateljima. I dalje treniram, ali imam priliku da se viđam sa svima, što nije slučaj tokom sezone. Sećam se kada nam je prvo dete imalo osam meseci, Flavija i ja bili smo u Majamiju na pripremam – bio je to jedinstven period, a onda sam morao u Australiju i počeo sam da plačem kao beba. Nisam mogao da zamislim da ih ostavljam - piše Fonjini za “Behind The Racquet“.
- Počeo sam sezonu zaista loše, do sezone na šljaci sam nekoliko puta izgubio u prvom kolu. Govorio sam sebi da mi treba odmor, da treba da treniram i da se spremim za Monte Karlo. Bio sam sâm u Južnoj Americi i u Majamiju, osećao sam se usamljeno. Nekako sam pronašao motivaciju, a u prvom kolu Monte Karla gubio sam 6:4, 4:1 i brejk lopta. Ne samo da sam preokrenuo, već sam i osvojio turnir – trudio sam se više nego inače da se vratim u taj prvi meč i na kraju je to ispao najbolji rezultat u mom životu.

Italijan kaže da mu je fudbal bio prva strast.

- Bilo je vremena kada bih radije igrao fudbal, ali teško je tako nešto reći kada mi je tenis dao život kakav imam. Teško je jer je tenis sada posao, nije sport... Fudbal je moj najdraži sport i gledam ga kad god mogu. Fudbal je neverovatan, ali opredelio sam se za tenis jer mi je on davao odgovornost koja mi je bila potrebna – samo je moja odgovornost i za poraz i za pobedu - zaključuje 32-godišnji teniser.

U karijeri je Fonjini osvojio devet titula, bio je deveti teniser na ATP listi, a najbolji Gren slem rezultat mu je četvrtfinale Rolan Garosa 2011. godine.


“The worst time of the year for me is between December and January when I am really close to flying again. I have a long pre season, see friends, some good dinners, and then I get back on the road. I always get sick days before I am about to leave. Sometimes a fever or a cough, and I just tell myself it is going to be okay. it has been like this for about 10 years. It happens because after having the chance to be at home, close to family and friends, it is almost like I am part of another life. I am still practicing but to have the chance to catch up with everyone doesn’t really happen during the season. I remember my first child being eight months old, and Flavia and I were in Miami again for pre season. That time was unique. I was about to fly out to Australia and I began to cry like a baby. I just couldn’t imagine leaving them.⁣ ⁣ It was two years ago and I started off the season really poorly. I started the clay season with a couple first round losses and no confidence. During the three months before I kept telling myself that I needed time off to rest. That I should practice and just get ready for Monte Carlo. I was alone during the South American swing and also Miami. I felt lonely and the little time I got to see my family in between wasn’t enough. I kept asking myself what should be doing. I found some motivation and told myself I should stay and fight. I was down 6-4, 4-1, break point during the first round of Monte Carlo. I not only managed to come back in that match, but I won the tournament. I pushed harder than I have before to get myself through that first match and ended with the best result of my life. ⁣ ⁣ My first passion was football. There were times I rather play football than tennis but it is tough to say that when tennis gave me this life. It is difficult because tennis is a job now, not a sport. Football is my favorite sport and I watch as much as I can. It was when I was younger when I decided tennis was for me. Football was amazing but tennis gave me the responsibility I wanted. If I lose it is on me just like it is if I win.” @fabiofogna ⁣ ⁣ Go to behindtheracquet.com for extended stories, podcast and merch.

Објава коју дели Behind The Racquet (@behindtheracquet) дана 3. Мај 2020. у 8:59 PDT

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