SAVE YOUNG GIRL FROM BULIMIA! A psychiatrist advises on treating eating disorders!

Autor: Republika

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Medical treatments necessarily include psychiatric help, which will include individual therapy, and sometimes even suggest hospitalization in order to help rehabilitation from illnesses.



Foto: Ilustration

Being unjustifiably overshadowed by far better-known anorexia, bulimia nervousness is no less serious eating disorder which demands multidisciplinary curing approach, and psychiatric help is irreplaceable.

Some of the patients often hide manifestations and symptoms of the illness, covering up the illness for years and disturbing their health. In these cases, the role of the family and close surroundings is very important.

- Bulimia is a kind of eating disorder which at the same time includes nervous overeating and attempts to cleanse the body from food. It is a psychiatry disorder, usually a stadium or a level of nervous anorexia, but it can also be a syndrome of various mental diseases. In any case, the psychiatric help is necessary - a Russian psychiatrist Ekaterina Sineutskaya Olegovna says.

She explains that the basic manifestation of the illness is causing vomiting after having eaten large quantities of food. Some individuals also use medications from the group of laxatives and diuretics so they could cause cleansing. Psychotherapists have noticed, and statistics have confirmed that the illness is most common among adolescents, especially girls.


* Overeating, without a possibility to control or stop

* Avoiding family meals

* A person tries to hide food so it is always within the reach

* Regular diets-including very strict calory counting control

* Causing vomiting- going to the toilet alone right after a meal

* Constant weakness, sleepiness and tiredness

* Low self esteem and physical appearance critics

* Mood changes

* Depression

- Longer periods with eating disorders might be unnoticed by other people, especially if the patient has been covering up. Over the years, regular over-eating and vomiting may lead to stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, kidney disfunction, arrythmia, menstrual cycle disorders, high blood pressure and blood electrolytes. Additionally, doctors have noticed the appearance of inflammatory processes in oral cavities and erosions of dental enamel- Dr Sineutskaya warns.

She emphasizes that bulimia is followed by low self-control and physical appearance dissatisfaction, and sometimes even depression. Psychiatrists can diagnose bulimia, as well as identify other mental problems which might cause overeating. They can also determine the reason why signs of eating disorders have appeared and they can prescribe optimal complex combination of psychotherapy with medicaments therapy and various techniques.


* Cognitive behavioural technique. This method enables doctors to adjust their way of thinking and behaving to patients. Also, doctors can learn to recognize serious hunger approach and food thoughts dealing.

* Interpersonal therapy. It is efficient with treating patients who, beside bulimia, suffer depression.

* Family therapy. Through group or individual sessions, psychotherapists solve problems by communication with loved people and teach them ways of leaving conflicts.

Self-help treatments include meditation and moderate exercise to reduce stress, as well as applying Russian traditional medicine made exclusively by natural ingredients. Appetite loss can be affected by green tea, kefir and mineral water because they boost digestion and they are excellent for treating bulimia.

- Psychiatrists can insist on hospitalization if patients are physically exhausted or have a history of recidivism, or if there are serious family issues, medicine, alcohol or drug addiction, suicidal intentions, social isolation or other mental disorders- Dr Sineutskaya states.


*Garlic tincture. Peel and grind three garlic cloves and pour a spoon of boiled water which has cooled already at room temperature. Leave it for24 hours and then drain. Use this freshly prepared tincture daily before going to sleep in order to normalize appetite.

*Pelini (Artemisia, Mug wort) medicine.  Cover a spoon of dried Pelini by 40ml of boiling water and leave it for half an hour. Take one spoon of medicine three times a day, half an hour before a meal.

*Plum and fig juice. Cook 250g of plums and 250g of figs in three liters of water. When water quantity decreases to 250ml, take it off the stove, drain it and drink half a glass of this juice before a meal, three times a day. Not only will this delicious juice enhance your appetite but it will also make bulimia treatment more efficient and it will improve your overall health.

*Celery elixir. This plant is well known by its useful features and the ability to cure digestive system disorders. To prepare the elixir you need 20g of celery sticks, covered by 350ml of boiled water and cooked for 15 minutes. Cool it, drain it and split into three parts and drink before every meal.


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